1. May demonstrations: burning police cars and riots in virtual Berlin! |
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Virtual 1 May demonstrations: 3D Avatars dancing arounf burning police cars, while there are real riots Berlin! As every year on Labor Day, 2011 in real Berlin are riots, rioting anarchists and extremists. Virtual Berlin in Second Life (newBERLIN), however, is also on this evening for a complete non violent and peaceful demonstration with a lot of fun, music and entertainment in the German 3D Internet capital. For the 4th time already here is the first of May, a mixture of Walpurgis Night and demonstration. Burn it all down! At least visually ... Burn the Berlin Police Vans and virtual buildins and rock the sandbox next to the TV tower. Thank God everything is only a visual support for the dance and music event. In addition to live DJ's and the German and international punk rock sounds, there are also police uniforms, extreme left-wing outfits for the Second Life 3D avatars for free. Also free is the famous "Paving stone throwers script", but all are produced only Temp-Rezz and quite harmless;). Demonstrations, posters, banners or other decorations will bring with utensils Anyone is welcome, objects and scripts can be rezzed in sandbox long as there is.
The team wishes all newBERLIN an exciting demonstration in May. like every year we look forward not only to the event, but also on a hot debate over political sense, nonsense, and possible real use of the virtual version of the real riots to first of May. May 1
newBERLIN Sandbox
Dj's:Zap Hax Looking back on May 1, the virtual "riots" in recent years by A can be found here: http://www.berlinin3d.com/de/1-mai-2010-berlin-demonstrationen-und-krawalle-in-second-life . html On May 1st in Berlin is burning the air ... and in virtual Berlin? http://www.berlinin3d.com/de/alle-jahre-wieder-die-legendare-1-mai-party-in-newberlin.html http://www.berlinin3d.com/de/1-mai-krawalle-in-newberlin.html Berliner Zeitung Indymedia